Week 1

October 1, 2024

Philippians 1:6 (NIV) being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Christians that are desiring and pursuing spiritual growth often feel they are not as far along in their Christian walk as they should be. These feelings are usually precipitated by personal perceptions, actions, events, or thoughts that makes us feel unqualified, insignificant, spiritually-immature, lost, stagnant, or inadequate. Examining our lives introspectively is not a bad thing but, your opinions and thoughts alone don’t always agree with God’s. Sometimes we are self-critical and fall very short of what God knows and thinks about us. We sometimes compare our personal status, goals, accomplishments, successes, as well as failures, and short-comings with others we feel and perceive as “More Spiritual”. God’s view is very different than ours. He sees all of our potential, life experiences both good and bad, short comings, deficits, and most importantly our future. And, His opinion is the only opinion that counts, not ours. His standard is much different than ours. His thoughts are based on things we are unaware of, and could not comprehend. Isaiah 55:8 (NIV) reads; “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways”, the fact that He is all-knowing and we are not, automatically disqualifies us from believing something about ourselves that is only partially true or not true at all. You may be experiencing a temporary setback, feeling stuck, or just unable to do what you desire to do for God in this season. Relax. Dismiss your thoughts and ill-feelings about yourself. God knows where you are and He will not leave you there. Isaiah 46:10 (AMP) says; … “My purpose will be established, And I will do all that pleases Me and fulfills My purpose”. Place your trust in God, and not what you see, think, or is experiencing at this time. Continue to pray, read, study, declare, and obey His word and wait on Him, He’s always on time and He never disappoints.



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